Expand your business with mobility. Go Mobile!
Behind the scene
Our comprehensive mobility offering makes sure that all your mobile requirements are taken care of. Either it’s just Apps, Backend Services, Scalability requirements or publishing to App stores – we will make sure you are covered.
- Hybrid app using ionic and Angular
- UX Design
- UI Development
- Easy to customize theming
- Social Login/Sign-up (optional)
- 2 step authentication/verification using OTP via text/email
Packaging and submission to Google Play Store
- Setup/Management of development accounts and access to other google services (in case maps, geo-location, advertising, analytics, etc. are used)
- APK signing
Packaging and submission to Apple’s App Store
- Setup/Management of development accounts
- Setup/Management of beta-tester and internal tester lists
- Creation of IPA and publishing to store or distributing for internal consumption
- Service identification
- Development of RESTful services in PHP/JAVA (or other platforms available in the customer’s environment)
- Stress/Load testing of services
- Authentication & Single Sign-On using JWT
- Integration with customer specific authentication and authorization systems which are already in place
- Scalability and Deployment